
Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Food chain Narative

Hi i'm the storyteller and I’m going to tell you the story of Phill the Legendary. Once upon a time there were three friends named Phill,Bary and Whilson. They all lived in one house on the Intertidal zone. The house was a huge shell near the kelp forest. One day came when there was a pack of seagulls waiting to eat their prey(which was barnacles and more).They were surrounding the safe house waiting for their food to come. The stingrays were all ready packed with sea creatures that was heading to the safe house. Everyone was there all except the three friends. The first thing that popped inside Phill's head, was to eat each other in the food chain order,because there was no other way. There were already seagulls surrounding houses. Whilson went outside and the first enemy he saw was shelly the seagull. She was the fastest,strongest and she had a sharp eye. She straight away saw Whilson. She dived into the water aiming for Whilson but he straight away shut the door. Her beak was so sharp that she made a huge hole in the door, they all screamed “ Agh!! “ said the friends. “What are we going to do” said Bary. “I don’t know, why are you asking me for, ask phill” said Whilson. “What should we do now, there’s a hole in the door, shelly is trying to eat us and we are surrounded by seagulls!” said Bary nervously and unconsciously. “Breath Bary…… Breathe , I know what to do……” said Phill. “ The only way to survive is to…eat each other in the food chain order” said Phill. “WHAT!!” said Whilson and Bary. “ We have to do WHAT!!!” said Whilson and Bary. So they eat each other and Whilson was the last one who got eaten by shelly the seagull, “and that is why Phill is legendary,” said the storyteller.

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