My class went on a fun trip to the zoo. I saw a Meerkat for the first time and it looked so so cute I never knew the Meerkat would be so small.
The animal I saw was the Cheater the Cheater was running around and the other Cheater was just lying down. The next animal I saw was a Rhino it was on a hill it had a big horn his nose. After that i went to africa to see the Elephants. My favourite animal was the Elephant because it was so big and it had a long trunk . After that my class went to Te Wao Nui. We were learning about kiwis and birds. When we were learning about the birds the lady brought us there gave us a piece of paper their was all types of birds we had to look for all of the birds. The coolest part was when I saw that there was food hammered to a branch next to the birds home. Then my class went to the Bug Lab it was so cool.My favorite part was when I had 2 sticks and there was a question I only had 5 wrong and 3 right it was hard questions. There was a big Cockroach that was a slide, it was only a short slide.After that Jayla found me, then she took me to a bee hive. It was fun because I had to rup as hard as I could to make the bee glow. Once it glowed Jayla screamed and ran away.
During our day I learnt that kiwis have there nose on tip of their beak.
It was lots of fun because it was my first time at the zoo.

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